It’s been awhile since I have run. In fact it’s been multiple months and many pounds ago since I’ve ran but yesterday I laced up my shoes for a run in downtown Detroit last night. I ran down Woodward, past Campus Martius where they were getting ready for the tree lighting ceremony, down past Hart Plaza to the River Walk. It was cold, windy, and my legs felt like I hadn’t used them in months (imagine that). I could feel my heart rate climbing quickly but it felt great.
Even though it was really slow, I felt the beginning’s of that runner’s high I get on really great runs. I felt that competitive edge I feel when I really start running well. I felt that another 4 weeks or so of running and I’m going to be running pretty well.
All in all it was good to get out and get going. I’m excited about training for St. Anthony’s triathlon with Team in Training and for raising money for LLS.